Special Sessions

ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOUR - Determinants and Policy: Environment, Pollution, Economics, Psychology, Policy, Households, Firms, Urban Contexts
What are the priorities for environmental policy in urban environments? What determines pro-environmental behaviours among citizens? What influences the greening of businesses operations? How can policy be designed to switch behaviour away from polluting to sustainable outcomes?
With the support of the University of Malta 2017 Research Grant, Department of Economics
TRANSPORT in the Built Environment: Impacts, Innovative Solutions, Climate Change and Vulnerability
This session presents research which is being carried out in the field of transport and the built environment from a multi and inter-disciplinary perspective. Societal impacts of transport, innovative transport solutions and climate change transitions, as well as vulnerability assessments to climate change will be presented in this session.
Session coordinated with the support of the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the University of Malta.
GEOHAZARDS: Vulnerability, Resilience, Risk Perception and Mitigation
Building response to ground shaking, tsunami, wind, and other geohazards; design for resilience; public awareness and preparedness in urban environments.
Session coordinated with the support of the Department of Geoscience at the University of Malta.
MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING and SMART STRUCTURES: Waste and Resources, Sustainable Construction, Advanced Cement Based Materials, Structural Health Monitoring, Structural Repair.
Recycling of waste materials, advanced materials, ultra high durability concrete, Self healing materials, smart sensor network systems and structural health monitoring, durability and life-time structural engineering.
With the support of: HORIZON 2020 Project ReSHEALience, Interreg Med Project CESBA Med, University of Malta Department of Construction and Property Management, and Department of Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics.
Advanced materials, high durability concrete, degradation, chloride corrosion, carbonation, sensor network systems, non-destructive analysis, concrete characterisation, concrete conservation.
With the support of the Water Tower Restoration Research Project, ReSHEALience HORIZON 2020 Project, University of Malta Department Construction and Property Management, Department Nanoelectronics and Microelectronics.
Electrical Energy Networks and Distributed Generation
This session presents research which is being carried out on: microgrids, smart grids, energy storage, energy management systems, electrical building systems, load scheduling, load monitoring, effect of increased distributed generation on the electrical network, and other relevant topics
Session coordinated with the support of the Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion at the University of Malta.
Renewables for the Built Environment
Renewables, Performance, Sustainability, Built Environment, Energy Shift, Systems and Building Integration, Landscape.
This session presents research which is being carried out on integrating renewables in the built environment. Questions being addressed revolve around what is the current level of integration of renewables in the built environment; How does integration effect the performance of renewables, and to what extent can integrating renewables provide for the ever increasing limited spaces for integrating renewables in an urban environment? Also what are the possibilities and limitations in terms of integrating renewables?
Session coordinated with the support of the Department of Environmental Design and the Institute for Sustainable Energy at the University of Malta.